Monday, September 15, 2014

50 Random Encounters for Phandelver

I've been running Phandelver in a vaguely post-apocalyptic setting inspired by the Pacific Northwest. The included random encounter table for traipsing about through the wilderness seemed a little bland, so I made it weirder.
  1. Herd of elk protected by a great spirit
  2. Thunderbirds on patrol or fighting serpents
  3. Uncegila the smoke dragon causing havoc
  4. Dragon cult seeks Uncegila to make sacrifice
  5. Mother grizzly defends territory and cubs
  6. Awakened black bear tribe lead by a spirit bear shaman
  7. Hunting pack of wolves and direwolves
  8. Reclusive sasquatch family scrounging for food
  9. Mad sasquatch loner attacks with psychic assault
  10. Black beast of the woods in congress with witches
  11. Murderous parliament of owls
  12. Werebear paladin metes out justice
  13. Werewolf lumberjacks looking for sport
  14. Hermit or witch gathering herbs for potions
  15. Awakened trees and shrubs attack logging camp or hunting lodge
  16. Druid circle with awakened animals plot destruction of a city
  17. Vegepygmies and fungal zombies controlled by the Gravemind
  18. Circle of myconoids offer hallucinogenic visions
  19. Giant spiders whisper from the treetops
  20. Giant centipedes crawl from beneath a rotted log
  21. Thousand-year-old salamander prophet lives in swamp
  22. Fox or coyote spirit plays cruel tricks
  23. Inuksuk stone golem gives directions or aid if addressed correctly
  24. Wendigo brings winter, madness, and hunger from the north
  25. Vengeful ghost of a miner, elf, or ancient one
  26. Seductive river spirit wants a child
  27. Hag, vermin spirit, or backwards-talking dwarf invades dreams during next rest
  28. Extra-dimensional wanderer descends from northern lights
  29. Radiation spirits and irradiated ghouls haunt toxic crater
  30. Ash zombies and pyrokinetic wraiths around burned ruin
  31. Ancient war machine lurches to life
  32. Hideous mutant or demonspawn crawls from the earth
  33. Fungal goblin ambush with explosive traps and snares
  34. Fungal goblin patrol with mole rat hounds
  35. Fungal goblin brood mother with entourage in search of lair
  36. Bugbear catches scent and tries to pick party off one by one
  37. Orcs trying to repair rusted hulk of an ancient warmachine
  38. Orcs escorting captives or purchased slaves
  39. Inbred hillbilly ogres hunt with dire boars
  40. Human bandits lead by a powerful adventurer
  41. Human bandits possessed by primal spirits
  42. Human hunters or fur trappers offer to trade
  43. Wood elf scouts riding giant owls
  44. Wood elves fishing or gathering berries
  45. Cannibalistic winter elves on wild hunt
  46. Dwarf and golem mining silver or panning for gold
  47. Dwarven merchants or traders traveling with caravan
  48. Mole people emerge from vault to scavenge
  49. Changeling thieves steal supplies for tree fort
  50. Rival adventuring party (use one of these or make up your own)
There are two different reality TV series currently airing about finding Bigfoot. My action this round and for the rest of my life is to attempt to disbelieve the illusion.
If you're lost, ask a helpful inuksuk. It usually knows the way.
In about eight months I won't have seen the sun for about eight months. So there's that to look forward to.
Uncegila is a Lakota myth from the Great Plains. The Kalapuya of Willamette Valley had a dragon too, but that dragon didn't have a name that I could find and it didn't fight Wolverine, which is a pity.
This is from the wrong side of the world but I don't care. Wherever there are ungulates, lo, so too must this thing be.

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